Strategy for Digital Marketing

However, AECOM is in the forefront of providing financial and administrative services to consumers, in order to survive a major market competition, AECOM product branding by design and technology for digital marketing is appropriate. To maintain market share and its market position, AECOM needs to consider re-branding. However, with the re-branding of the product, fears of high costs and high risks increase with the introduction of a new product.

According to Biel, branding is "creating or (rebuilding) a brand image." Product restructuring is nothing more than managing an existing product in better and more advanced ways. Substitution helps to inform new opportunities and market changes. While going through product redesign, there are certain risk factors that need to be considered. When re-branding a product, there is a high risk of losing the trust and resilience of consumers. Because, it is possible that most buyers do not know about the company's supply chain.

 At that time, if you are in contact with customers through the website, with the logo, the tag line, advertising, etc. With the changes, consumers fall into a distorted atmosphere whether they communicate or not. Like a few analysts, a successful product re-launch is not possible because during the reorganization, most loyal buyers moved to other brands. The basic purpose of product repositioning is to protect and improve product equity to understand its fullness.

Product replacement is a modification of something that already exists in the market and in the minds of consumers. The product reorganization represents the difference in the company's existing products and services. The restructuring strategy exists in three stages known as the awareness phase, the clarification phase, and the consolidation phase. The categories can be described in the diagram below:

Figure 1: Stages in developing a product strategy

The choice is right

Sales mix

Establishment i

Brand proposal

Release of

Strategy -

Introduction Category

Defining Stage

Preparation Phase

Changing i

Annotation -




Replacement helps the organization to move forward in a new way and is more attractive than ever before. The purpose of this organization depends on the organization and the organization. It varies mainly with the intention of understanding what the company wants to achieve. In the case of AECOM, the company seeks to create technology in terms of technology and design at a level that can be compared to its competitors. Product placement helps the company to occupy a higher position than before. This can be explained by the dye below:

Figure 2: Reset goal

New Position


Past Position

Informative quality

As the organization shifts to a new position after product redesign, the company strives to meet new consumer demands, new and stronger consumer objections by convincing them. Getting the benefits of re-branding a product like better price, better market position, good image, new personality, etc.